Training Camp Thun
From 12-06-2024 10:00To 13-06-2024 18:00
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07-06-2024 23:59Heights
Available heights are:10m, 12m, 15m and 20m
From CHF 40.00Payment Info
The scaffolding will go up on Monday-Tuesday, and is ready to be used for training from Wednesday to Thursday. On Friday, there are official training sessions in preparation for the competitions that will take place at the weekend.
What's included?
In the morning and afternoon, the diving facilities are closed for the public, giving us the possibility to train not only from our 12, 16 and 20m platforms, but also use the springboards on 1 and 3m as well as the 5 and 10m platforms. We’ll also have access to dry training facilities (trampolines). Including warm-up, the sessions will last about 2,5 hours each.
We’ll support each other and take turns observing, teaching and helping all participants.
On all training camp days, the entry fee for the pool is covered by the charge for the training camp (see prices below).
To cover the costs of building up the scaffolding and providing a training schedule and security for the training sessions, we have calculated the following costs for you:
1 day – CHF 40.00 2 days – CHF 70.00
Program in Thun
- Wednesday + Thursday: training camp
- Friday: official training day for competitors
- Saturday: Swiss Open High Diving Championships
- Elite: apply here
- Masters: apply here
- Juniors (Group A): apply here
- Juniors (Group B): apply here
- Sunday: Synchronized High Diving (apply here)
Organised By