Results for Agios Nikolaos Cliff Diving Competition

Rank Name Total Score
Matthias Appenzeller 346.200
Jan Heinzel 339.150
Owen Weymouth 328.950
4 Zachary Picton 314.450
5 Pierrick Schafer 302.450
6 Jan Wermelinger 299.750
7 Manuel Halbisch 290.800
8 Andreas Hulliger 289.850
9 Jean-David Duval 280.900
10 Martin Bollier 270.000
11 Sebas van Baarsen 258.800
12 Mads Søndergaard 254.850
13 Felix Staudt 219.450
14 Yannick Surkau 205.650
15 Tim Thesing 200.000
16 Moritz Willberg 184.400

Click on one of the scores to see the details of that dive and the judges' scores.